Work from home jobs – Friend or Enemy?

Work from home jobs – Friend or Enemy? While increasing technological developments have presented the potential of doing many jobs with digital tools to humanity since the beginning of the 2000s, the Covid-19 pandemic has made this option a necessity. The pandemic has perhaps shed light on a long-awaited way of working, and we have all started to live in a digital world. Then we saw that what most of us have been feeling for a while about business life is not wrong, that is, we don’t have to be in the office all the time. Thanks to the possibilities of modern technology, we quickly realized that things work somehow outside the office. Let’s see if remote work is for our benefit, friend or foe for companies and employees as we leave the first year of working online behind.

More flexibility and autonomy at work? Yes please!

The works that we used to do face-to-face and in the physical environment have now been moved to the digital environment. Office meetings have been replaced by video conferences. It’s refreshing to wake up knowing we can attend a video conference in the comfort of our home or join the 8:30am sync at the last minute. Getting rid of traffic and freedom of clothing provide a great comfort area for employees. Well, isn’t there anything undesirable about this style?

Distraction and loss of work-life balance at home

While working from home is tempting for most of us, work-life conflict is possible. There are no distractions in the office working order. However, when things move home, the person may be faced with a host of distractions, especially children, pets, hobbies and TV. Working from home is not attractive, especially for an employee who is not yet at school age or has a child with a disability. The parent will be able to spend more time with their child by working from home, but because he has to deal with the needs of his child during working hours, he may experience interruptions and be distracted during his work.

Finding the right balance between work and private life can also be difficult when working remotely. Having the computer nearby at all times will mean working without proper breaks or any kind of work-life balance, especially for those of us who are workaholics. Although this may seem like a positive thing for the company at first, it is known that non-stop working negatively affects business productivity in the long run. Another problem is the thought of doing work half the time and being with family the other half. While this thought may seem natural at first, a cycle such as working for a few minutes and then spending time with family members but starting to work all over again would not be an ideal work pace. When working remotely, full focus during working hours (even if they are very flexible) and total freedom outside of working hours is more productive in terms of both work and family time. Creating an environment where the employee can focus on his work with a suitable room, desk arrangement and a quiet place will also affect productivity.

Remote work may not be suitable for some people

Although remote working is a year in our daily routine, it is still not fully preferred for managers who oversee those working from home. When not in an office environment, the effort required to manage employees remotely and to measure which employees are performing successfully in a remote location is more than in an office environment. The inevitable problem brought by this difficulty is that the managers are inevitably more demanding towards their employees, either within or outside the working hours. Employees often mention that the hours collide while working online, that weekend days are no different from weekdays, and that they have to constantly appear online for their managers. Therefore, while working remotely brings operational difficulties for managers, it also means an excessive work tempo for employees.

social interaction

Although working from home makes life easier at first, it can have a negative impact on the psychology of employees. We are social beings and working in isolation in a small space without seeing anyone will leave us feeling isolated and trapped in the world. When working from home, it is not possible to interact with colleagues face-to-face, and even being deprived of childish work gossip, which is known to have a stress-reducing effect at work, will reduce productivity. At this point, what needs to be said briefly on the negativity of working remotely is that the inability to establish personal communication and social ties, called “touching people”, affects human psychology in a way that reduces work efficiency.


If your customers are accustomed to a high level of face-to-face contact with the employees running their business, the move to remote work can affect the profitability of the company. For example, in businesses such as banks, sports centers, auto and real estate dealers that can only progress through face-to-face meetings, customers may feel neglected or think that they do not get the full value of the service they paid. At this point, it is obvious that working remotely or assisting remotely without the introduction of 3D imaging systems will not be beneficial and will cause disruptions in business.

Remote work requires self-discipline, motivation and focus, let alone whether the work is suitable for this style. Individuals who are accustomed to doing their jobs independently are often happiest at work from home than workers who need regular contact with others. However, the fact that this way of doing business is not an option but a necessity for all disciplines, employees and customers turns the advantages into disadvantages. In this state, remote working appears as a way of doing business that reduces work efficiency, negatively affects human psychology, and does not support collaborative work due to the inability to maintain social ties like face-to-face environments.

Work from home jobs

Work from home jobs – Friend or Enemy?